Detail View: Stanford Geological Survey: Areal geology and Brunton surveying measurements west and south of the city of San Juan Bautista, California

Areal geology and Brunton surveying measurements west and south of the city of San Juan Bautista, California
Primary Creator: 
Stanford Geological Survey.
(W 121°15'00"--W 121°00'00"/N 36°45'00"--N 36°30'00").
Scale 1:62,500
on sheet 49 x 40 cm.
No. 1-8 are topographical maps.
Related Items: 
[No. 1] -- Areal geology and Brunton surveying measurements west and south of the city of San Juan Bautista -- [no. 2] -- Cross sections from 1-13 N.W. of the city of San Juan Bautista -- [no. 3] -- Primary triangulation [San Juan Bautista quadrangle] -- [no. 4] -- Areal geology and Brunton surveying measurements throughout the [San Juan Bautista] Quad -- [no. 5] -- Brea deposits [San Juan Bautista quadrangle] -- [no. 6] -- Contouring on the Santa Cruz Mountains [San Juan Bautista quadrangle] -- [no. 7] -- Santa Cruz Mountains strike & dip measurements [San Juan Bautista quadrangle] -- [no. 8] -- Topo areas on the Santa Cruz Mountains from 1 to 20 for 1923 [San Juan Bautista quadrangle]
Geology -- California -- Monterey County -- Maps; Geology -- California -- San Benito County -- Maps; Monterey County (Calif.) -- Maps; San Benito County (Calif.) -- Maps
Catalog Key: